The customer will have the right to a refund of the total amount paid up to 14 days after the purchase. This right of withdrawal is lost once the America's Cup competition begins on August 22, 2024 and from that date no refund is allowed except in the cases mentioned below.
In the event that the Barcelona Maritime Captaincy prohibits navigation due to weather conditions that prevent safe navigation (strong winds, heavy rain, hail, electrical storm, etc.), the companies undertake to propose the client an alternative day (among those selected). reservation by the same AC) or a 100% refund of the amount paid (the cancellation policies of services contracted from third parties such as F&B will be respected).
In the event that the AC organization officially suspends the regattas before going out to sea, due to the lack of wind and/or conditions that prevent the competition from taking place, but does not prevent the departure of the boats contracted to follow this , the companies will offer the client the alternative of continuing to enjoy the event at sea. In the event that the client decides not to go ahead with the event and does not want to board, they will be entitled to a 50% refund (the cancellation policies of services contracted to third parties such as F&B will be respected).
It applies as long as the tracking boats have gone out to sea and the competing sailboats have also gone out to sea. If later, for any reason, the regatta organization decides to suspend or postpone the regatta, clients will not have the right to a refund.
In this case, the companies will offer the client the alternative of continuing to enjoy sailing and consuming the time they had contracted to perform the service.